Events supported by SBL
- 3o. Encontro Brasileiro de Mulheres na Matemática (EBMM). SBL awarded student grants to: Jeanne Albuquerque (UFPA) and Débora Rodrigues (PUC-Rio)
- VIII Conferência da Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia Analítica. SBL awarded student grants to: Paola Cristina de Freitas Villa (UFSC) and Jéssica Caren da Silva Melo (UFRN)
- Semana Temática de Lógica, Topologia e Teoria de Conjuntos IME - UFBA. SBL awarded 02 student grants. Click here to know the details.
- V Workshop Brasileiro de Lógica
- WoLLIC 2024
- II Encontro Brasileiro de Filósofas Analíticas
- IV Workshop Brasileiro de Lógica
- WoLLIC 2023
- XVII Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science and Technology
- Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality and Information
- II Encontro Brasileiro em Teoria das Categorias
- WoLLIC 2022
- LSFA 2022
- Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica (XX EBL)
- III Workshop Brasileiro de Lógica
- Reunião Anual da SBPC
- I Dia Carol Blasio por Diversidade na Lógica
- Falando em Lógica...
- 16TH Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications LSFA 2021
- II Workshop Brasileiro de Lógica
- Lógica e Representatividade
- The Logic Supergroup
- Lógicos em Quarentena
- Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC22)
- Semana Temática de Lógica, Conjuntos e Topologia
- The Logic Supergroup
- Lógicos em Quarentena
- Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications
- I Workshop Brasileiro de Lógica
- Speaking the Unspeakable: Paradoxes between Truth and Proof
- 1st World Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy in Honor of Newton da Costa 90th Birthday
- I Symposium on Logic and Analytic Philosophy & VIII Social Epistemology Conference
- Brazilian Logic Conference
- Logic and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
- Conference on Mathematical Logic
- Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
- Workshop da Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica