Seminário "Lógicos [saindo da | em] Quarentena"
Numa iniciativa conjunta da Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica e do Grupo de Interesse em Lógica da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, o seminário Lógicos [saindo da | em] Quarentena propõe um ambiente remoto para apresentações informais por membros da comunidade com espaço para discussões. Somos parte do The Logic Supergroup.
As palestras têm duração entre 20 e 40min, acrescido de tempo para perguntas e interações com os palestrantes (totalizando, em média, 1:00h). Os seminários não necessariamente refletem a opinião da SBL e/ou endossamos a corretude de seus resultados.
Seminários agendados
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Seminários passados
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Edson Bezerra | Proof systems for some many-valued modal logics | 26/04/2022 14:00h | YouTube |
Jean-Yves Beziau (DF/UFRJ) | The 5th Logical Notion - Solutions to the Enigma | 18/11/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Martin Escardo (University of Birminghan) | Equality of mathematical structures | 04/11/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Gabriel Scherer (INRIA) | Open Access in Programming Languages research | 21/10/2021 11:00h | YouTube |
Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (Sociedade Peruana de Epistemologia e Lógica) | Can we test inconsistent empirical theories? | 23/09/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Angeline Aguinaldo (University of Maryland) | Diary of a software engineer using categories | 09/09/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
José Siqueira (University of Cambridge) | Formas categóricas da teoria dos conjuntos internos | 26/08/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Ciro Russo (DM/UFBA) | Coproduct and amalgamation of deductive systems by means of ordered algebras | 12/08/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Andrés Villaveces (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Completeness as (topological) Reconstruction (of logical properties) | 05/08/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Tero Tulenheimo (CNRS-STL & Université de Lille) | Objects and Modalities | 08/07/2021 14:00h | YouTube |
Michael Barany (University of Edinburgh) | "Attempts to link scientific activities to political and societal issues": Boycotts, politics, and the creation of the International Mathematical Union. | 24/06/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Davide Trotta (Università di Pisa) | The Gödel fibration | 10/06/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Michael Shulman (University of San Diego) | Affine logic for constructive mathematics | 27/05/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Marco Panza (Chapman University & IHPST & CNRS), Daniele Struppa (Chapman University) e Domenico Napoletani (Chapman University) | Agnostic Science and Mathematics | 29/04/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Mirna Džamonja (Logique Consult & IHPST) | Formalising Ordinal Partition Relations Using Isabelle/HOL | 08/04/2021 14:00h | YouTube |
Łukasz T. Stępień (UPKENK) | On Inconsistency of Classical Logic | 25/03/2021 16:00h | --- |
Bruno Bentzen (Czech Academy of Sciences) | What went wrong with Frege's theory of types? | 11/03/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Paul Tarau (University of North Texas) | Training Neural Networks to Do Logic, with Logic | 22/02/2021 16:00h | YouTube |
Richard L. Epstein (ARF) | Temporal Propositional Logic | 11/02/2021 16:00h | --- |
Stéphane Graham-Lengrand (SRI) | Realisability semantics of abstract focussing | 03/12/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Jean-Yves Beziau (DF/UFRJ) | The Mystery of the Fifth Logical Notion | 26/11/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Edward Hermann Haeusler (DI/PUC-Rio) | Redundância em provas grandes em Dedução Natural ou como obter certificados polinomiais para grafos não-Hamiltonianos | 19/11/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Samuel Gomes da Silva (DM/UFBA) | On striking, counterintuitive partitions - or: The Axiom of Choice is not to be blamed of anything | 12/11/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Carlos Olarte (ECT/UFRN) | The L-Framework: Structural Proof Theory in Rewriting Logic | 05/11/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Daniele Nantes (DM/UnB) | Nominal Equational Problems | 28/10/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Marcos Silva (DF/UFPE) | Revision of Logic, Reflexive Equilibrium and Normative Bidirectionality | 22/10/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Hugo Luiz Mariano (IME/USP) | An algebraic framework to a theory of sets based on the surreal numbers | 15/10/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Gisele Secco (DF/UFSM) | Diagramas e programas: o Teorema da Quatro Cores e suas circunstâncias | 08/10/2020 11:00h | YouTube |
César Alberto Bravo Pariente (UESC) | Ferramentas online para ensino -e estudo- de Lógica para Computação | 06/10/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam) | Who's afraid of adversariality? Conflict and cooperation in argumentation | 29/09/2020 11:00h | YouTube |
Javier Legris (UBA & CONICET) | Identity and Quantification in Peirce’s Beta Graphs | 24/09/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF/CONICET) | The fragment of Classical Logic that respects the Variable-Sharing Principle | 17/09/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Diogo Henrique Bispo Dias (DF/UENP & DF/USP) | There is no good argument for logical monism | 10/09/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Giovanni Sambin (UNIPD) | Intuitionistic logic as abstraction, classical logic as idealization | 03/09/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Rehana Patel (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences) | Combining Logic and Probability in the Presence of Symmetry | 25/08/2020 16:00h | --- |
Jeremy Avigad (Carnegie Mellon University) | Formal Mathematics and the Lean Theorem Prover | 20/08/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Brendan Fong (MIT) | Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning | 13/08/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Carlos Areces (UNC & CONICET) | Henkin Completeness in Modal Logic | 06/08/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Frank Thomas Sautter (DF/UFSM) | Keynes e Peirce sobre informação e lógica | 30/07/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Alejandro Díaz-Caro (ICC - CONICET/UBA - & UNQ) | Extensional proofs in a propositional logic modulo isomorphisms | 23/07/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Mario Benevides (IC/UFF) | What makes a Logic Dynamic? | 16/07/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Johanna Franklin (Hofstra University) | Randomness and computability theory | 09/07/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Gilles Dowek (LSV, CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay) | Logipedia: towards a Wikipedia of formal proofs | 02/07/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Aldo Dinucci (DF/UFS) | A Condicional Estoica | 25/06/2020 16:00h | TouTube |
Marcelo Finger (IME/USP) | Logic and Numbers | 17/06/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Paulo Oliva (QMUL) | The Power of Continuations | 11/06/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Desidério Murcho (DEFIL/UFOP) | Uma Abordagem Epistêmica do Conceito de Consequência Lógica | 04/06/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Abílio Rodrigues Filho (DF/UFMG) | Sobre algumas críticas recentes às lógicas da evidência e verdade | 28/05/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Ruy de Queiroz (CIn/UFPE) | Computational Paths and the Calculation of Fundamental Groups | 20/05/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Rodrigo Freire (DF/UnB) | Uma abordagem axiomática para forcing e extensões genéricas | 14/05/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Wagner Sanz (FF/UFG) | Lógica como teoria de problemas | 07/05/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Haniel Barbosa (DCC/UFMG) | Extending enumerative function synthesis via SMT-driven classification | 30/04/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Elaine Pimentel (DMAT/UFRN) | Ecumenical modalities | 23/04/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
Valeria de Paiva (Topos Institute) | Between a rock and a hard place: Structural and Distributional Meaning Representations | 16/04/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
João Marcos (DIMAp/UFRN) | On classes of structures axiomatizable by universal d-Horn sentences and universal positive disjunctions | 09/04/2020 16:00h | YouTube |
- Bruno Lopes (IC/UFF)
- Petrucio Viana (IM/UFF)
- Valeria de Paiva (Topos Institute)